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By September 25, 2016May 29th, 2018Vol. 2.3

By Ioannis Liritzis

The issue of protecting cultural heritage is a hot and a classic problem that societies
throughout the time do face. The disasters causing cultural heritage destructions derive
from either natural (terrestrial or extra-terrestrial) causes, or, man-made impacts,
during peaceful activities or war affairs. Society faces each challenge by the invention
of ‘current trends’ based on the current International Disaster Risk Management
Practices for Cultural Heritage.
The author Prof J.P.Massue reactivates this long standing issue and takes it further
to propose implementations for a more efficient way to save the issue.
It is our major task and concern through our journal to foster such world cultural issues,
hoping of helping to bridge the gap between knowledge and policy. The constantly
updated issue warns the scientific society on risk management of cultural heritage
by increasing the profile, capacity and performance of think tanks at the national,
regional and global levels so they can better serve policy makers and the public


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