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By November 15, 2020March 5th, 2021Vol. 7.1

by Yelda Durgun Şahin, F. Fatih Gülşen and M. Faruk Altunkasa


The study focus on the use of modern digital methods to obtain data about the social, cultural, physical formation and development and explain the city of Anazarbos (Turkey) formation in an analytical plan. The basic starting point of the study is how this formation takes place, how it is shaped and the method by which its comprehensibility can be analyzed. Τhe space syntax method, which is an analytical method, was used to understand Anazarbos city formation. The areas of the city showing spatial integration and separation were identified and their relationship with each other was investiagted. Ιt is shown that the city of Anazarbos was built on the measurable not random boundaries of human perception. It has been observed that commercial buildings on the highest axis of integration and necropolis structures are located in the areas where the separation is most integrated. The fact that the integration value range is on the cardo axle between 2.961 and 1.48 has led to the conclusion that it supports the holistic planning approach of the Roman period and that this understanding gained the power of Rome in Anatolian lands, thanks to taxes earned from trade. The axes of the integration values, which are in the range of 0.641 and 0.916, are evaluated as areas where urban needs are tried to be eliminated by means of particle applications. In this context, by analyzing the differences in the integration values of the city, important data about the formation of the city were obtained.


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