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Νatural Sciences in the documentation of Tangible & Intangible Cultural Heritage: Innovative Applications and Developments


Interdisciplinarity: Environmental Archaeometry, Cyber-Archaeology, STEM/STEMAC, Computational Modeling of Ancient Masonry Structures, Archaeoastronomy


Peer-reviewed, open access, free download, international scientific journal published online three (3) times a year -Jan, May, Sept.


Serve the academic community with the highest quality and speed and non-profit one


Bioarchaeology, Archaeogenetics, Ancient Diet, Stable Isotope & Migration Patterns, Archaeo-environment in the Anthropocene


Conservation, Restoration, Chronology, Spectroscopy, Geophysical Prospection…


About the Journal
Journal of Applied Science & Technology
to Cultural Heritage Issues
Aims & Scope

SCIENTIFIC CULTURE (Journal of Applied Science & Technology to Cultural Heritage Issues) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access international scientific journal, an open information vehicle for an academic community with a global coverage and issues touching global interest. SC publishes original papers that address the application of the natural sciences to solve, document, interpret, and disseminate cultural heritage topics and policy.

The binomial nomenclature of SCIENTIFIC CULTURE considers the interdisciplinarity between the natural sciences (with its specialized fields), history of science and cultural heritage (material culture, or tangible heritage, and intangible heritage), which in turn reflects the level, evolution, and development of past civilizations.

Scientific tools with the proper instrumentation, measurements, and calculations undoubtedly help to delve deeper into the material of the human past (e.g. monuments, artifacts, human and animal remains, relics reminiscent of human-environmental interactions).

Apart from tangible heritage, intangible heritage is revealed and documented through appropriate measurements of related material culture. The end products of such scientific investigations to cultural heritage materials, including their environmental context, are major contributions not only to academia, but also society, pedagogics, and sustainability.

The international journal of SCIENTIFIC CULTURE exemplifies the appropriate methodologies applied to archaeological materials and questions emerging from this field, regarding monuments, artifacts, and the reconstruction and management of landscapes bearing cultural assets. The measurement of tangible culture conveys significant information, such as chronology, authenticity, technology, characterization, provenance, the discovery of buried antiquities, ancient-day life activities, and three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions and modelling; furthermore, proxy data collected from dynamic non-linear environmental perturbations link local ecosystems with dwellings. This traditional rooting signifies the cultural legacies of people, which define human desire and the confidence of memory and future trends. Beyond the mere study of the past, SCIENTIFIC CULTURE’s aim and role is to foster an affinity for prosperity, if properly managed.

SCIENTIFIC CULTURE aims to provide insight and a vehicle for the major natural sciences to contribute to cultural heritage and archaeology.

SCIENTIFIC CULTURE covers the chronological frame of the human past from the Paleolithic to the Age of Enlightenment (excludes modern times, but may consider exceptionally interesting industrial archaeology articles). Articles should contain content connected to the interconnected binomial terms and focus on subjects listed in the current page running titles and in Basic Information No 21.

The journal welcomes submissions that seek to form intellectual bridges within and between the two disciplines. The top priority is innovation in applications and basic research, and policy papers targeting development & sustainability. Case studies, reviews, and book reviews are most welcome.

The objective is to serve the academic community with the highest quality and speed as a non-profit.

The journal is published three (3) times a year (January, May, and September) in printed and online versions.

The official language is English.

Papers should be between 3000-5000 words of text for main research articles, 1500-3000 words of text for case studies; 5000-10,000 words of text for reviews. Each submitted manuscript will be reviewed by (at least) two anonymous peer reviewers. These reviews will help the editors and editor-in-chief reach a final decision about whether a manuscript should be accepted for publication. Page charges and publication fees are not levied upon authors. For rapid reviews authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Publication fees are applied to cover the cost of processing and open access publication of 700 Euros. For Rapid Reviews (decision within 10 days of submission) and online publication within 1 month after acceptance, authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Authors intending to write review papers should first inquire with the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Ioannis Liritzis, to discuss focus, and ascertain level of interest; all inquiries and submissions should be sent to;

Please refer to the Guidelines for Authors for complete information before submitting your manuscript, following the free downloadable template.

Copyright: Upon acceptance articles are distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).


SCIENTIFIC CULTURE’s policy on the content of articles is refocused and thus the Aims & Scope have been reassessed. The thus far broad interdisciplinarity and multi-scientific content of papers have been narrowed to applied science & technology on cultural heritage related to past human evolution and interactions with the environment. From this point the natural sciences will be the hub of the study of cultural heritage. The following issues will continue as normal with the next being Vol.6, No.1 (January) 2020.

List of Main Subjects for SC:

  • Archaeological Sciences
  • Archaeogenetics
  • Archaeometry & Sustainability
  • Archaeo-Geophysical Prospection
  • Ancient Diet from Stable Isotopes
  • Analysis of Anthropological relics
  • Astronomy of Ancient Cultures
  • Bioarchaeology
  • Chronology (Dating Methods)
  • Characterization & Provenance of Material Culture
  • Computational Methods in Cultural Heritage
  • Conservation / Restoration of Monuments / Artifacts
  • Cyber-Archaeology
  • Digital Applications in Archaeology
  • Disaster Geoarchaeology
  • Human-Environmental interaction
  • Impact of Environmental agents to Ancient Cultures
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage (e.g. traditional and liberal arts, craftmanship, costumes etc) revealed through Scientific tools
  • Innovative applications
  • Novel Methodologies in Archaeological Sciences
  • STEM / STEMAC (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Arts & Culture)