Authors Guidelines
1.General: The Editors will welcome contributions from all parts of the World.
Authors may use photos and figures of their own work published in SCwithout prior consent of the editor. SC is produced in online (free of charge) versions. All articles of past issues can be downloaded Free of Charge.
Accepted articles can be published online for immediate free open access for all to view and download. Open access publishing provides a means for the maximum dissemination of the article to a larger audience. Authors can self-archive and post their articles on any digital repository of their choice
All papers are provided with Free Open Access as .pdf three times a year (
2. Criteria for publication.It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere.
Papers submitted for publication will be refereed and assessed on the basis of the aims of the Journal as stated in “AIMS & SCOPE“. They are subject to a minimum of two external peer reviews. Scientific Culture journal asks peer-reviewers to keep in mind that every paper that is accepted means that another good paper must be rejected. To be published in a Scientific Culture journal, a paper should meet the following general criteria:
- Conclusions must be strongly supported by scientific evidence.
- Novelty & innovation.
- Have a significant value to academia related to the specific field.
- Interdisciplinary nature.
- Multidisciplinarity.
- Social impact.
As a basic rule, a paper in order to be accepted should represent an advance in understanding likely to influence thinking in the field. There should be a discernible reason why the work deserves the visibility of publication in the Scientific Culture journal rather than other journal.
3.Manuscripts must be written in English and should be checked by a native speaker for spelling and grammar if possible. Extended abstracts in Greek on contributions are optionally allowed. All forms of revised papers are peer-reviewed at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief and relevant Members of Editorial Board. The following six types of contributions to Scientific Culture are accepted for peer-review:
i. Research Articles are considered presentations of fully documented and interpreted significant findings, progress results or insight (no more than 30 pages of the Template Format, including tables, figures, which should be kept to a minimum).
ii. Applications are major findings or breakthrough results of established methods and interpretations of scientific data (max. of 30 pages)
iii. Technical Reports are contributions that describe and interpret the results of original investigations (max of 15 pages).
iv. State-of-the-Art Reviews on specific subject areas and Presentations of Excavation Reports containing science in culture issues, are published periodically. Those who wish to submit such articles should contact the Editor-in-Chief before preparing the manuscript (max of 40 pages).
v. Research Notes (Short Communications, Perspectives) are considered presentations of preliminary but significant findings of work in progress, or presentations of significant findings or brief studies, setting the foundation of future work, and in depth evaluations, for which full documentation is not yet available (max of 10 pages).
vi. A Matters Arising Communication should focus on a published paper in SC introducing new material that either further supports or opposes writer’s point (max of 5 pages).
4. Manuscript Submission and Review: Manuscripts sent to the SCIENTIFIC CULTURE (SC), are acknowledged immediately, and, if their scope and quality seem appropriate, forwarded to at least two referees for peer review. Papers are normally published in order of the acceptance in final Template form, without preference for particular regions, periods, or topics.
An online submission on the predefined Template via internet (see download template in submit an article) facilitates an easy, speedy and cost-effective submission of manuscripts. The full manuscript should be submitted online via our submission form.
Submission of an article can only be made via electronic procedure following the downloaded Template Format. Then attach the re-made template to SC submission form. Submission should be accompanied with a cover letter confirming that the manuscript has not been published in part or in full elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
5.Manuscript Format: see download template in Submission Form for guidance.
All manuscripts should be carefully edited to eliminate redundancy. All abbreviated terms should be explained on first occurrence.
Manuscripts should begin with an Abstract of up to 200 words that contains concise factual information on objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Opinions, obscure terms, and jargon should be avoided. Key Word Index should follow, including a minimum of 8 and maximum 12 Keywords. Avoid words that are referred in title. The body of the text should begin with a statement of the objectives of the work. It should include citations of published related work and sections onMethods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions of the study. An Acknowledgement section may follow the Conclusions.
6.References: A list of the cited references in alphabetical order started by the surname of the first author must be included at the end of the manuscript, and each reference includes the names of all contributing authors. In the text refer to the author name without initials and the year of publication. If the same author(s) is cited in more than one publication in the same year, lower case letter (a, b, c…) are appended to the year in the first and succeeding citations. For three or more authors use the first author followed by ‘et al.’, in the text. Footnotes at the end of each page and/or at the reference list are not allowed, but only at the end of paper before References, while in the text appear as numericals [1], [2], etc..
References should be given as in the following examples, for books, articles in journals, papers in contributed volume or proceedings of conferences and reports:
Miller, P. and Richards, J. (1994) The good, the bad and the downright misleading: Archaeological adoption of computer visualization. In Computer applications in archaeology, J. Huggett and N. Ryan (eds), Vol. Int. series 600, British Archaeology Reports, Oxford, 19-22.
Turchin, V. (1990) Cybernetics and Philosophy”, In: The Cybernetics of Complex Systems, F. Geyer (ed.), (Intersystems, Salinas, California), p. 61- 74.
Flynn, B. (2005) Exploration of Maltese prehistoric temples through the application of multimedia technologies. Mediterrannean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol.5, No.2, 23-34.
Wiener, N. (1948) Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Cambridge: MIT Press
Hodges, H. (1998) Artifacts. An introduction to early materials and technology, 3rd edition, Duckworth, Great Britain.
Only written papers that have been published in the literature should be referenced. If necessary to reference an unpublished work, follow the next example:
Rajasekar, A. (1989) Semantics for logic programs. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, USA.
References should be in English, French, German or translated from any other language into English.
For online citations (web sites) date of access should be included
7.Tables, Photos and Figures: Tabular or graphical data should be adequately discussed in the text. In particular, similar data should not be presented in both figures and tables.
Tables are to be concise and contain only the information essential to the text. Columns containing few entries or full columns of data that vary only slightly should be avoided. Judicious use of table footnotes can greatly simplify the presentation.
Graphs should be used to support correlations or illustrate points made in the text, not merely to present data. Legends identifying curves should be contained within the graphs, not in the captions. Graphs and line drawings should be drawn carefully and must be large enough for clarity. All graphs and figures should be of sufficient quality (at least 300dpi) to ensure that they are legible when reduced to a single or double column width of around 75 mm (3 in.). Photographs should be limited to those essential to an adequate understanding of the text and should be of high resolution coloured or black-and-white..
Figures, photos and tables should be incorporated into the main body of the text in single or double column of the Template form.
8.Units: All data in the text, figures and tables must be reported in metric notation and International System of Units (SI) nomenclature. Conversion of any non-metric data will be requested from the author before publication. Use negative indices rather than / and leave space between symbols, e.g. ms-1 or m/s, but not ms-1. English units may follow the metric quantities in parentheses. Dates should follow the AD, BC, BP not other system. For cases that need calibration follow the conventional writing e.g. uncal (for uncalibrated) or bp for before present non-calibrated age.
9.Equations: Equations and formulas should be numbered separately and sequentially throughout the text. All variables and special symbols, such as Greek letters, must be clearly identified and explained, including units when appropriate.
10. Nomenclature should conform to that most frequently used in the scientific culture field concerned.
11.Page proofs in word file of template will be sent to the corresponding author for checking. Corrections to the proofs must be restricted to printer’s errors. Any substantial alterations other than these may not be accepted. Authors are particularly requested to return their corrected proofs as quickly as possible via online submission in order to facilitate queuing in publication. Please note that authors are urged to check their proofs carefully before return especially to follow strictly the template predefined format. The corresponding author will receive a .free pdf file of his/her paper. Order of the whole printed issue can be arranged at author’s expense.
12. Swift publication & Pre-Publication.
Normally the processing time for each paper is within 3 months at the latest. Subject to the exceptional interest of an article or at the author(s) wish we apply for Rapid review reaching a decision within 15 days. At any rate, all proofread articles are uploaded online as Early View of Forthcoming Issue to our web platform ( at the author’s expense (Rapid review Editorial fee) due to increased processing time and refereeing procedure. The author is provided with an official Letter of Acceptance & DOI. The digital registration of articles is made through the and Hellenic National Documentation Center (
13. Publication Costs.
Publication of an article for normal Review processing has an APC of 700 Euros. Authors can apply for a partial APC waiver when submitting an article for publication if they can demonstrate financial need. The APC is waived for outstanding articles. All decisions are based solely on editorial criteria. Authors should consult the Managing Editor ( about the timewise Rapid review scheme. For Bank details, see:
14. Copyright Notice. The journal publishes original papers which should comprise previously unpublished data, interpretation or syntheses concerning all aspects of science and technology in culture, ancient cultural issues. The editors will not consider manuscripts which are under consideration by other publishers and check for plagiarism. It is assumed that once you have submitted an article to this journal, it will not be sent to other publishers until a decision about inclusion has been made.