By E. Deniz Oğuz-Kırca, Ioannis Liritzis
One of the greatest omnitemporal myths of the world and a crescendo of interest for the (trans)voyagers, the legendary Atlantis which bore its name from Atlas (an ablative of the toponym), has preoccupied thousands who long and acceleratingly set themselves to tell something with this enigma all around the globe. The first historical record appears in Plato‟s Dialogues (4th century B.C) where the repulse of the Atlanteans by Ath-ens was narrated. Atlantis is timeless because it is everyone‟s and deeply embedded in the man‟s mind as a physical past land. A navigation at the geo-spatial level, theoretically not far off the Pangaea (some 200 mil-lion years ago), can hardly work since the ocean tectonics has been subject to continuous alterations. We rather seek this, firing off a hail of questions, under the cover of genetics, anthropology and semiotics, na-tional epics and, quasi-archaeologies (the “Mu” case), in part, yet the unprecedented voyage of ancients to far-fetched lands. Unraveling the mystery of Atlantis can become true by changing our viewpoints and de-pending on the contexts we are running through. Because this virtual land resides inside each of us, as the “sapiens sapiens”, whose history is rooted in the same “continent”.