by Ioannis Liritzis
The optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is a steadily developed method in the fields of archaeology, geoarchaeology and earth sciences. The trapped electrons in lattice defects of suitable minerals during irradi-ation by natural radioisotopes throughout the time and the emitted luminescent light after agitation by optical radiation in the lab (or by daylight), are physical processes which determine the total equivalent (to a labora-tory dose) dose (in Grays). The intentional or accidental light exposure to light and the thermal agitation sets luminescence clock to zero for a mineral within a material to be dated. Excellent publications (either articles or books) and reviews on the OSL dating have been made. The objective coverage of essential novel applica-tions and basic research accompanied by an ethic unbiased pace is a prerequisite for scientific integrity of every publication. A recent Nature Reviews Method Primers on OSL dating of quartz was the stimulus for the present constructive and supplementary information and serves also as a plea for fairness.