by Khedr, M., Ali, M., Emam, A, Kamel, A. and Ghanam, M.
Stucco monuments are exceptionally vulnerable to deterioration and necessitate the expertise of specialists in restoration. The current study evaluated the consolidation efficacy of zeolite/g-C3N4-based hybrid nanocom-posites embedding into a polymeric matrix based on paraloide (B-72-44) in acetone used to treat stucco monuments subjected to damage and distortion after artificial ageing. Zeolite nanoparticles and graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets were prepared via ball-milling and thermal decomposition techniques. In addition, their physicochemical and morphological properties have been investigated using a transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR). After consolidating ageing procedures, the evaluation protocol delineated a six-step procedure to evaluate the suitability of control samples reinforced with the as-prepared zeolite/g-C3N4-based hybrid nanocomposites. Also, the alterations in the surface properties of reinforced samples after exposure to diverse conditions have been investigated via digital light and scanning electron microscopy techniques. A colorimeter was employed to quantify the alteration in hue, and assessments were conducted on pre and post-ageing samples. Finally, the determination of physical and mechanical properties and the contact angle are assessed to quantify the hydrophobicity rate. The results showed that zeolite/g-C3N4 hybrid nanocomposites are embedded in the B72/B44 matrix. The compositions of Zeolite/g-C3N4/B72 and Zeolite/g-C3N4/B44 hybrid nanocomposites with 0.5:1:3 wt./wt.% ratio was the most effective for strengthening stucco monuments.