by Giovanni Fazio
In this article, we want to demonstrate that the attempts to yield a Shroud Body Image, utilizing protons, are futile. For two-three decades, several articles on the subject have not been enriching enough. It is maintained that in the body-sheet contact areas, the protons, with the appropriate energy E*, penetrate to a depth equal to that of the Shroud Body Image (200 nm). In areas away from body it is necessary to take into account the protons energy dissipation in the air. Hence, through the thickness of the air, the protons cannot have enough energy to penetrate the linen up to 200 nm. These particles could not reach the linen areas either furthest from the body, as it is in this case. We argue that the protons energy is not enough to reach the furthest areas of the sheet which will remain unstained. Therefore, no image and, consequently, nor the so-called ‘Proton Model’ can explain the Shroud Body Image formation.